People Don't Change.
Get a grip. Really. Think about it; do you need some obnoxious stranger to reduce your poor relationship decisions to three words? Of course you do. It’s why American’s pay psychiatrists, divorce lawyers and marriage counselors. Well, here it is for free. Stop fooling yourself and realize the irresponsible behavior of your adult partner will not change. The quicker you embrace this notion the easier your life will be- and it will be easier. Far easier than therapy, phone rants with your mother, or hours of time wasted on self help books. Three simple words… I’m no exception. I have more shortcomings than a midget in the NBA, but I recognize them. For instance, I recently lost an opportunity with a cute catch when I told her I don’t like talking on the phone. “This will be the longest conversation we are likely to have,” I said after 15 minutes of small talk. “Really,” she said, “I love talking on the phone.” “Well, I love talking over a cocktail if that helps.” “I don’t drin...