Offensive Halloween Costumes.
Ahhh Halloween. The bestest of holidays. Celebrating Halloween adds to the richness of our great land. While the Pagan ritual has evolved over the centuries, our perfected observance is vibrant. No longer a spiritual endeavor, Halloween has grown to embrace both young and old without theological trappings, or the stodgy notion of gathering with odd family members. A uniquely American holiday; how much fun would Halloween be in most of the world without American creativity? In fact, the gratitude of strangers is what makes Halloween so rewarding. We dress up in costumes for the amusement of others, and trick-or-treating without community input would just be another dumb variation of the Easter egg hunt. (What does a chocolate bunny or colored eggs have to do with Christ’s resurrection anyway?) Interaction with strangers is the hallmark of our great American holiday, and what better way to celebrate then to embrace our ‘inalienable’ rights and push the boundaries of free speech and expr...