Thoughts on Thanksgiving
Turkey day, a grand American holiday in need of a makeover. More respected than any civic holiday, more meaningful than most religious holidays, and more connected to the spirit of charity and kindness to make any American proud! So why has Thanksgiving become the red-headed step child of American holidays? I don't know, but it pisses me off. Powered by corporate greed, Thanksgiving has been nearly bitch-slapped off the calendar. Walk into any retailer and you will notice the seasonal aisle goes from Halloween to Christmas. And lately, I get nauseous hearing the first Xmas song played weeks before Turkey Day. This year it took only ONE day after Halloween before I saw the first television commercial for Xmas bargains. As annoyed as I was, I wonder how irritating the commercials must be to non-Christians. Thank you Wal Mart. Come to think of it, there are many reasons our great holiday has fallen out of favor. I don't think any are convincing, but as a whole, t...