Should Neighborhood Watch Groups Be Armed?

As developments emerge from the tragic Martin/Zimmerman shooting incident in Florida, tensions continue to mount. The story has morphed beyond a byline story into a headline event, creating waves of aftershocks as more and more elements are pieced together. Because of the rapid nature of media reporting, many circumstances relating to the Travyon Martin incident have been misreported. Still, the controversy grows out of control. Much like the circumstances fueling the Arab Spring rebellions of 2011, public protests continue, encouraged through the efforts of social media.  What started as a fatal confrontation on a rainy night in Florida has swelled into a heated discourse on race relations in America. As the story develops a political component predicated on personal bias or conjecture, many others have been caught in the fray. But who is really to blame?
Ultimately, every opinion on this incident MUST be based on some form of speculation. After all, we will never be privy to what happened once George Zimmerman exited his SUV and the physical confrontation with Trayvon Martin began. Despite protesters’ demand for justice and a Federal oversight of the investigation, the evidence will never adequately uncover the truth; because only two men were involved, and one of them is no longer alive.
Understanding there will be conjecture in every person’s opinion, let’s dispense with some sense and nonsense surrounding this specific case as it stands today.
·         Wearing a hoodie on a rainy night is NOT suspicious. Entering a gated community and skulking behind townhouses as a shortcut to get home-even in the rain- is suspicious.
·         People engaging in suspicious activity should be monitored. During Zimmerman’s 911 call, he could not initially tell if Mr. Martin was black. At this juncture, Martin’s behavior, not his race, is what aroused concern.
·         A 6 foot 3 inch tall 17 year old is not a boy. Any person old enough to be arrested or criminally sentenced is no longer a boy. Calling Mr. Martin a boy removes any onus he has for his part of the tragedy.
·         Zimmerman should and could have maintained surveillance from a distance and followed the suspicious person without arousing a conflict. Accurate descriptions and directions of flight are the most helpful bits of information for responding police units. Reputable neighborhood watch groups recognize this fact.
·         Florida’s “Stand Your Ground law” permits armed and inadequately trained civilians to use deadly force when they reasonably believe they will be killed or severely injured. The greatest issue in this case is whether Zimmerman reacted reasonably while struggling on the ground.

There is only a short waiting period and a background check to purchase a firearm in Florida. Ironically, at a gun show in Orlando this weekend, many are registering for the 2 hour concealed weapon class in order to obtain a license. Yes, only two hours to learn about Florida gun laws, self-defense, the rules of deadly force, and proper handling and maintenance of a firearm.  For comparison, the NYPD includes a week of full-time training before issuing a firearm to a law enforcement professional, with two days of refresher training per year afterwards. As of today, George Zimmerman can legally purchase and carry another firearm in Florida, and he probably should, because the most credible threats to his personal safety lie ahead of him, and not behind him.

Zimmerman has already expressed great regret over the tragedy. His present state of turmoil and tortured future will bear witness to the proper justice to be served. While Zimmerman suffered from on overzealous ambition and inappropriate use of force, he was still acting in good faith. But if his armed-cowboy ego had not been fostered by a gun toting culture, he probably would never have gotten involved to begin with; which brings us to the nature of watch groups in general.

Neighborhood watch groups do not form in good communities. Multiple violent incidents generally spawn resentment and the formation of these groups. Because of civic outrage, and the feeling that the police are stretched-to-thin, well intentioned civilians take to the streets. As a result, many good Samaritans are violently injured and murdered by the criminals they confront. Those headlines are very common, which is why they deserve support. Good Samaritan individuals/groups should also be better trained. But there is no reason to support arming volunteer enforcers or covering up for them when things go wrong.

Most states and municipalities have varied rules governing the possession of firearms in public. Even though many states support relaxed gun laws, most do not entitle gun hobbyists to carry concealed firearms, or to concede their use for citizen patrols. The right to bear arms has generally been applied to private protection within a person’s home, though the debate is very controversial. Every pro gun state supports deadly force to be used in self defense when a reasonable belief death or serious injury is imminent.  

Viewing the latest video of Zimmerman in police custody one hour after the shooting, one can clearly see there is no broken nose or serious head injury as initially alleged. After a brief medical treatment on the scene, there is no visible swelling, bleeding, or even bandages readily applied by first responders. Zimmerman also declined any further medical evaluation on the scene before questioning.

On the night of February 26th, the 911 dispatcher directed Zimmerman to back away, but he did not. Should Zimmerman have to mount a defense in this case, his claim of self defense might not convince a jury because he became the aggressor- even if he did not throw the first punch.


  1. It seems the State of Florida has a lot to answer for with regard to this case. Their delay in resolving it does seem to revolve around the desire to keep the "Stand Your Ground Law" the way it is as well as being unclear how to discipline the police officers involved.

  2. Wow, what a well-written article. Rational, balanced. Too bad this piece isn't republished. Seriously, a fine job, the best I've read so far on this tragic event.

  3. The mental culpability of a 17 year old is far more sophisticated than a 14 year old, though i would expect a 14 year old to understand right and wrong enough to know that s/he is tresspassing.

    Your argument is flawed for many reasons. For one, dressing inappropriately is not against the law and should not arouse suspicion in others.

  4. Well written, neutral piece. Couple of points though.
    1. Define trespassing? If you're a child visiting your non-guardian parent in their neighborhood, you're a trespasser? White kids = visitors; Black kids = troublemakers/criminals.

    2. Definition of a teenager: angst & hormone riddled pre-adult - authority defying, snarky, reactive, irrational, volatile, prone to dramatics, immature, instant gratification seeking, consequences be damned, actions usually counter to what they've been taught/told. Which teenager doesn't take as many shortcuts as they can, whenever they can get away with it?

    3. Just because a majority of today's adults CHOOSE to live juvenile personal lives, doesn't make the opposite true: a child's physical size/stature DOES NOT an adult make. Between the ages of 10-21 with all that body/mind/emotional transformations going on, most teens sometimes come off as a totally different species! At the same time they're sure trying their best to emulate all the idiot Adult-Juveniles portrayed everywhere in our Society.

    4. Pretty much every minority kid in the US is taught at a very early age to be deferential to the police/authority figures, because to do otherwise will get you caught up in something beyond your control or worse get you killed, even when you're in the right. I don't remember the lesson where we've still gotta answer to white strangers, wasn't that the lesson of the past ~ taught 3 generations back?

    5. A white kid wandering around aimlessly is not automatically suspect (Zimmerman probably would have asked him if he was lost and can he help get him home?); a black man killing a white kid would have gotten arrested immediately, been still sitting in jail without bail and/or with bail set so high he wouldn't be able to post it anyway.

    6. Totally agree with you, the FL law is the biggest culprit here, the decision to give every yahoo the right to carry a gun; claim self-defense is just plain stupid ~ at best leads to straight up idiots that don't think before acting and at worst - creates vigilantes on power trips.

    Seriously as an adult, I can truthfully say that if Zimmerman had rolled up on me with "what are U doing in this 'hood?" I would have cussed his ass out & probably got myself shot too! The US mindset that if "Whites do something wrong or Blacks do something right" these are aberrations/anomalies is the biggest part of the problem. The double standard and automatic assumption of guilt/criminality tied to skin color is abhorrent, very prevalent and occurs in small and large ways to blacks on a daily basis. Yes, I speak from experience. As a 5' tall female corporate America drone, wearing a suit to work daily, I still have people that get on the elevators who clutch their purses/briefcases like I'm gonna rob them, lol. Most of us just deal and chuckle to ourselves because its just a part of being Black in this good old USA.

  5. Gino:

    This is a poorly written and racially biased article.

    " serious head injury as initially alleged"

    ???? Zimmerman never claimed that. His actual statement to the police indicated Martin was banging his head against the concrete. This would be similar to blunt trauma to the head. There is absolutely no way the author would know the extent of the head injuries, internal or external.

    "the 911 dispatcher directed Zimmerman to back away, but he did not."

    Inaccurate. The exact words were "we don’t need you to do that" That is not a directive. That's advice. In fact Zimmerman went back to his vehicle where he indicated he was attacked by Martin.

    My sense on the article is the author is biased against Hispanics.

  6. Are you unaware that blunt trauma to the head is a serious injury?

    "we don't need you to do that" is indeed a suggestion to back away. advice/directive, call it what you like, it was not folowed.

    Your senses are clearly misguided.

  7. Gino D:

    Blunt trauma is a serious injury. Surface lacerations do not indicate the extent of the trauma. Zimmerman could have been killed by blows to the head that left no marks at all. For you to make a diagnosis that there was no head injury on the basis of a crude video is simply wrong.

    I don't know what caused you to write something like this. It can't be political since Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. The only other reason could be your animus toward Hispanics.

  8. I didn't initially know Zimmerman's race just like you don't know mine.

    Ken, the more you add to this discussion, the more bizarre you sound.

  9. Gino:

    "the more you add to this discussion, the more bizarre you sound."


    You got caught red handed proclaiming no injuries to Zimmerman from a crude police video. Even the Martin family is not disputing that some injuries occurred. The question is why would you do that?

    If the question makes you uncomfortable, it should.


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